Revised and Adopted on July 12, 2004 in Boston, MA
Revised on July 13, 2014 in San Antonio, TX
Revised on July 19, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA
Revised on July 21, 2020 during Virtual Business Meeting
Revised on July 18, 2022 in Denver, CO
Article I: NAME
The name of this caucus shall be the Asian American Law Librarians Caucus (AALLC).
Article II: OBJECT
The AALLC promotes and serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on law librarianship. The AALLC encourages the professional development and advancement of Asian-American law librarians, fosters cooperation among Asian-American members of the profession and their allies, and represents members' interests and concerns within the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL).
Membership shall be open to any person requesting affiliation with the AALLC.
Neither membership, nor full participation in the activities of this caucus shall be denied to any person on account of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or gender identity.
Section 1. Officers.
The officers shall consist of a chair, vice chair/chair-elect, and secretary.
Section 2. Terms of Office.
The vice chair/chair-elect shall serve a two-year term, the first year as vice chair, and the second year as chair. A new vice chair/chair-elect shall be elected each year. The secretary shall serve a two-year term and shall be elected every other year. Officers shall serve until the adjournment of the annual business meeting.
Section 3. Duties of Officers.
Chair: It shall be the duty of the chair to coordinate all business and projects through the executive committee of the caucus; to communicate and inform caucus members of recent developments and activities of the caucus; to chair the annual business meeting; to act as liaison to AALL; to prepare required reports for and correspondence with AALL as appropriate.
Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: It shall be the duty of the vice chair/chair-elect to work with the executive committee; to solicit and develop program ideas; and to conduct any other duties delegated by the chair.
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to maintain all written records of the caucus, including the taking and reporting of minutes of annual business meetings and preparing reports as required.
Section 4. Executive Committee.
There shall be an executive committee consisting of four (4) members: the three (3) officers named above and the immediate past chair.
Section 5. Vacancies.
All vacancies in offices shall be filled by a member of the executive committee for an interim term until the next regular election of officers, at which time said vacancies shall be filled by election, except, the vice chair/chair-elect shall automatically become chair upon a vacancy in such office and shall continue in that office until the expiration of the term for which the vice chair/chair-elect was originally elected to serve as chair, and the immediate past chair shall automatically become vice chair upon a vacancy in such office and shall serve until the expiration of the pending term.
Section 1. Nominations.
The executive committee shall nominate at least one candidate for the office of vice chair/chair-elect and the office of secretary. The chair shall confirm with the candidates that they are willing to serve as officers. The chair shall notify the caucus members of the slate of candidates at least one month before the annual business meeting; notification to members may be by announcement through the caucus webpage or electronic discussion board.
Section 2. Voting.
General elections shall take place during the annual business meeting of the caucus and election to an office will be by simple majority of votes cast.
Section 1. Annual Business Meeting.
There shall be an annual business meeting of the caucus, preferably held in connection with, or during the annual meeting of AALL. The scheduling of the annual business meeting during the annual meeting of AALL shall be cleared with the chair, or as otherwise provided in the AALL Bylaws. Annual business meetings shall be open to all members of AALL, but no person may vote in any meeting who is not a caucus member.
Section 2. Quorum.
A quorum shall consist of the members present at the annual business meeting.
American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, in the latest edition, shall govern all deliberations of the caucus.
Members shall submit proposed Bylaws amendments to the chair before the annual business meeting. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted to the AALL Bylaws & Resolutions Committee by a member of the executive committee for approval before the membership votes on them at the annual business meeting. After receiving approval of proposed Bylaws amendments from the AALL Bylaws & Resolutions Committee, the chair shall notify the members of the proposed amendments at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting. Amendments must be approved by a simple majority vote of AALLC members present at the annual business meeting. Amendments can be approved in part; if members only vote to approve some of the amendments, the parts that were approved will be sent to the AALL Bylaws & Resolutions Committee for their approval. If the AALL Bylaws & Resolutions Committee approve those partial amendments, then those amendments will become effective.